Last Thursday a conversation I had during the day became relevant during the evening session at Yoga, and I have found that more and more this week coincidences are just happening everywhere. The universe is trying to tell me something, but I either don't have my ear piece in or I can't read the text!
I will publically announce that I have given up my breast feeding counsellor course. Gasp. There, I've said it. Many reasons, none of them important here. But since doing the do, I have really enjoyed going to clinic and being the best peer supporter I can be. Maybe because the pressure is off? Maybe because I have made the wrong decision? Who knows. What I do know is that I am enjoying supporting the ladies I am supporting at the moment. I had a particularly lovely text message from a new lady this afternoon, who I supported this morning and it made me cry. Then another text just a moment ago from another friend who is newly babied and I have done a bit of cooking for them. Tears tears tears - I like being useful and I love being told I am being useful, who doesn't!
During the course of giving up my training, I have been thinking about my usefulness at the clinic and wether its still right for me to help out there. I have been considering handing over the reins from Sept, but now I am being offered two sessions a week for Niamh to have a paid place at nursey - one session to cover whilst I'm at the clinic and distracted, and another freebie as a thank you. Now I wonder what I would do with a whole 3 hours to myself during the day.. (Probably cycle!! Or run?!)
Another coincidence, I am having a couple of menstrual issues at the mo, no biggie. I have been given the opportunity to go to a womb blessing at the beginning of August. Obviously I have said YES PLEASE. The Yoga sanctuary are hosting it in their temple, but the blessing is going on world wide - if you want some action you can take a look here.
Last night we watched a great documentary focusing on Victoria Pendleton, the World and Olympic cycling champion. I have always considered her quite austere, but the docu was great and I was delighted to discover she cries as much as I do on a bike!! It was so inspiring and has re-newed my interest in widening my circle of cycling friends - this summer is going to be lonely on the bike because everyone is away. I am also happy to admit that I am excited for the start of the Olympics! I want to watch the triathlon, the cycling, the swimming.. Yey for the Olympics!!
I often wonder if I blabber on randomly and crazily whilst blogging, but another text message I have had today suggests that actually I do sometimes make sense. Thank you Holly. I ummed and ahhed over the point of that post, it was lovely to spontaneously hear from you.
Hey Universe, if you read this, please be more specific... I am slightly dense xxx
Tomorrow is the last day of school for 6 weeks. I am looking forward to spending good, proper time with my children. I can't wait to have pyjama days, breakfast in bed, trips out, popcorn and films in the afternoon. I am so excited about our 2 week stay-cation with Paul on annual leave too.
I love your randomness. Keep blogging randomly.
ReplyDeleteHi Jo!! Random is all I know :-)