Nice easy swim: 25 metre pool x 30 lengths = 750m in 25mins
Tues, Weds, Thurs and Fri
'rest' days
Early morning 5k run over in the park, it was nice and mild - if wet!
A good even pace really - the two speed dips were for dog walkers, annoying because it may well have been under 33mins without them and that would have been a new time PB. It was a tough run though, in terms of my head space. I really struggled to get myself round. Laps of the park are no different really to running on a treadmill - bit samey, boring even, but a good constant to train with. I have created a good new running play list, so I had music motivation, I just struggled to get the job done - after each lap my head told me to go home, rather than to get the next lap done! Frustrating!
Today Lucy and I went to the gym for opening, we had a cycle, then Lucy went on the tread mill and I couldn't face another run today, so I used the posh stepper and then we had a swim. The pool is quite busy on a Sunday, the fast lane is quite fast (compared to a Monday night ladies only session for example) so I thought I'd have a go in the medium lane. The medium lane was just slow enough to be annoying, so I slipped into the fast land and killed myself trying to avoid being hugely annoying to all the people going faster than me! A great swim!
A friend of mine Jo, writes a great blog about her exercise exploits and I wanted to shout her out - Jo inspires me in many ways and not just with exercise, although she definitely inspires me to swim harder, and with different pool music! This post here really sums up how I feel about running and cycling too. I NEVER thought I would be able to run, let alone enjoy it (sometimes!), and although re cycling, I am perhaps less of a rabbit watcher on a summers evening and more of a peloton wanna-be, I can really relate to her musings.
You have achieved great things in the last few weeks Jo, you are already a triathlete!
W/E 11.11.12
Cycled: 10k (6miles)
Run: 5k
Swim: 1500m (2 sessions)
Gym: Elliptical machine, 1k's worth of stepping
Winter acceptance peeps! Accept it's (almost) winter, modify how you train and get the job done!
N'aaaawwww, thanks Sarah, back atcha for the inspiration and admiration. We really need to arrange something in 2013 for us to *do* together.... any further thoughts about an open water swim? I know it's a little far for you, but Great Manchester swim is 20th July? I know a great hotel, over-looking the Quays?!! GNS is 15 June... even further I know. But just saying :-)