Sunday, July 22, 2012

G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y

I read a lovely blog - Wooly Moss Roots and every Sunday Taryn writes a post entitled 'Gratitude Sunday'.  I thought I would share the love..

This week I have been grateful for :-

~ The start of the school holidays and the inaudible sigh the household felt at the realistation on Friday night, that we are routine free for 6 weeks.

~ A day visit from my parents and all the little bits and bobs they do when they are here, that I never think to thank them for until they have gone home.

~ A weekend visit from my sister in law and the time she spends with the children.

~ Celebrating with my newly babied friends, the ups and downs, but mostly the triumphs.

~ My sister in law staying at our house, and allowing Paul and I to go out on our bikes together.  We often rue the fact we didn't do it before the children arrived, and now we are so grateful for each ride - I can count the number we have done together and alone, on one hand!

~ The NHS and a scan date through to look at my weird menstrual goings-on.

~ Getting a sunburnt neck - finally the rain has stopped!

~ Niamh's total and absolute confidence in my ability to catch her.  She will climb up on a wall and precariously walk along it with her hand shoved in the air, knowing I will take it and make her safe.

~ Brenna's fiesty temper, it is usually shouted about the house, but this week was used in defence of her older brother.

~ Lochlan's generosity.  Nothing is too big, too small, too much effort and he'll even give you a cheeky smile to boot.

~ Paul.  I love you.  I love the shake and bakes, the tinsel and the challenges x x

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah!
    It's so nice to connect with you. Thanks for joining Gratitude Sunday. I enjoyed reading your list.

    The inaudible sigh.. freedom from schedules for awhile, wonderful feeling. I like how you described it.

    Appreciation for family and friends... so many good things.

    Love, Taryn
