Saturday, May 11, 2013

Roller coaster

Hi Clanettes.

I have had a very emotional up and down week, and as ever I hate to write about my whinges. The ups have been so high, I have achieved lots of new things this week, but on the downside I wonder if it will ever be enough for me - I am frustrated and want to be better, normal and fit, so badly, that it clouds my judgment.

Lets celebrate my highs! This week I have:

* Taken over my role as home keeper, amongst other things I have cleaned the kitchen floor. This pleased me no end!

* Been on my beloved turbo in the sunshine - LOVELY! 
(Yes, Lochie sat next to me, pedalling whilst playing a game on his tablet.. He ignored me so I put my music on! Comraderie in looks only!)
* Walked to and from school twice a day, yesterday I was brave enough to do it without my stick. I feel vulnerable without it, the play ground is so busy, and I am still quite slow so my stick not only gives me support but other people a visual warning. It felt great to have two free hands though, and hold hands with the kidlets.

* Put my own socks on!! A huge milestone for me!! Ha ha!! By putting my foot on the fourth step on the stairs and leaning into the stretch, I can hold my foot til I have my sock on. It isn't easy right now, but it is better than not being able to do it.

* Been given a mention in a post over at Weightwars - see the post here. This humbled me, I don't feel very positive at the mo, despite all the postive achievements. Thank you Rebecca, I appreciate your support x x

  * Used my sewing machine without pain! It is raised up on the table, on a giant encyclopaedia, so I don't have to bend to it, but I launched myself back into sewing with a fairly large project (which I will share once the gift is given) and it was wonderful. How I have missed pottering with my machine!

* Been weaned off once a week physio to fortnightly physio with a strict work at home and gym programme. She complimented me on my cardio - 10 mins sweating on the stepper whilst having a convo with her. Apparently 95% of her clients cant do that. Win! On the downside, I am having issues with a really annoying clicky hip, which we think is taking up slack from my weak back and core, but I am managing it and hope to see it improve.
* Swimming last night was easier than the first session. I managed 8 whole lengths over the 6 I did before. There is a new Aquafit class starting and I am looking forward to trying that.

This next week Brenna turns 5 (How am I the mother of a nearly 7 yr old, a 5 yr old and 2 yr old with the attitutude of a 14 yr old!? Amazing!) and I start back at work. I have promised my physio to go to the gym/swim three times and I am looking at further osteopathy treatment to help my recovery and my hip.

I AM doing this. When I look back at those first couple of weeks post op, (see here and here) I would have given anything to be where I am now - and in a relatively short amount of time too. I need to pull my socks up and get my head in the game.

Thanks for reading, thanks for your support x x x

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